FAQ - Answering Everything You Need To Know - Roof Repair.......
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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I need repairs?

Repairs can be assessed at the time of the roof inspection. After the roof is cleaned, we can tell you the exact shape it is in. We can replace and repair any roof. If the roof is beyond repair and cannot be certified, it will be passed up for re-roofing. This is why we inspect all roofs for key signs at the time of the initial proposal.

Do I need to be at home?

No, your duty as a homeowner is to make sure all windows and doors are closed completely. All vehicles should be moved away from the house and out of the driveway, as we have hoses running around the house and don’t want to damage your vehicles. Please be sure to advise us of any cars, boats, campers, or anything that you do not want to get wet. We walk the perimeter of the house and look for planter boxes, furniture, tools and move them away, as this helps to make the clean-up process more efficient. The more items out of the way, the easier clean-up will be.

How often should I clean my roof?

With proper maintenance, such as keeping your roof free of debris, you should expect to repeat this process every three to five years. Routine gutter cleaning is recommended at least once a year.

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